How do you know if a diet is right for

Sometimes it’s the simplest diet that we don’t do that is generally the right one. Unfortunately we overcomplicate the process and try everything but the one that works for our goals.

The array of information promoted to us on every platform can lead to this confusion and generally lead to diets that don’t work for us.

The simple answer is

The diet that works for you is the one you can stick to long term without it being too drastic.


When you find a diet that works for you it tends to revolve around your lifestyle and not the other way around. Many diets out there do not take you as a person or your lifestyle into consideration. They are very generic and sometimes robotic, which at times leave you feeling like a failure when you don’t stick to it.

Diets should not make you feel guilty for eating foods that you enjoy

Some diets that remove a certain macronutrient or processed food can be classed as drastic and psychologically detrimental to how we function on a day to day basis, it’s within our nature to enjoy foods and the psychological fulfilling benefits that come with this such as socialising with friends leave us satisfied and most importantly happy. This is why certain diets that are extremely restrictive instantly leads to giving up and going back to our comfort zone.

Eating foods we enjoy without over indulgence (eating within a surplus) can still lead to fat loss and you can still be in the best shape when done within a portion control.


Don’t ruin your relationship with food

We all know that someone (it could even be you) that turns down anything that’s classed as “Bad” when starting a new diet even though we really want to say yes at times.

a) Bread; “Nope can’t have it I’m on a diet”

b) Biscuit; “Nope can’t have it I’m on a diet”

C) A tiny bit of cake at someone’s birthday party; “Nope can’t have it I’m on a diet”

Don’t get me wrong its necessary to say no when it comes to eating foods depending on your calorie goal. However, many of you who want to lose a few pounds can get away with having days where you can eat food that you enjoy so that the diet is easier to stick to and more enjoyable.

There are many diets that are out to demonise food groups to make them sound bad for our overall health, which may lead to greater fear of those certain foods. Take Slimming World for instance, certain foods are classified as syns and the higher syn the less likely someone will indulge in and leading to a negative view on that food group.

Most diets, products and any food sources available for consumption are part of a wider agenda to make money which sometimes leads to a bias point of view to make you buy the said product, which can to lead to a unhealthy approach which may be drastic and soon becomes a relationship which we are not comfortable with. Do your research prior to this and work out what your calorie intake should be rather then what foods you should stop eating based on a diet.


 When it comes to losing fat there are foods that are higher in calories and less nutritious in terms of vitamins and minerals, and there are foods that are more nutritious and sometimes based on the calorie portion are lower in calories.

Labelling of food can also be confusing using the traffic light system and can also lead you into a path of building a unhealthy relationship with food. A greater understanding of this traffic light system in conjunction with portion control is important. Don’t look at red and see it as bad, look at the detail of this and is it something I need for my day, do I enjoy this food and will it help me achieve my calorie goal.

Right now, you are probably reading this article thinking, wow this guy wants me to eat processed foods and be unhealthy whilst losing fat.

Sustainability is key

To help you to stick to a diet for longevity whilst still enjoying yourself “most of the time”. I say most of the time because dieting can be hard at times which is a normal process when progression is involved.

Eat in a flexible way

When starting a diet make sure on a scale of 1-10 of you being able to stick to it for 3 months, you should be at a 8-10 on this scale. Anything below this showcases that this may be something that you are just not comfortable with, a switch to something more realistic which you will stick too is key.



 The best diet for you is the one that you can stick to for a period of time. If you can stick to the restrictive diets and do not feel a sense of guilt or extreme unhappiness, then please continue. If, however, you have tried many diets that have restricted all the food that you enjoy and have not succeeded maybe it’s time to look at your life and figure out what diet fits well with who you are as a person and your lifestyle.

Please understand the only way you are going to lose fat is eating within a calorie deficit (eating fewer calories than your body burns) but the method you choose is what will determine your success.

Find out what your calories are by clicking here > > > HARRIS BENEDICT EQUATION

Note: Subtract 500kcals (calories) from your “Daily Calorie Needs”

You do not need to track your calorie intake in order to lose weight but having a rough idea of what your calorie target is can be of great value to you in the future.



If you are confused about where and how to start your fat loss journey we are happy to help either through coaching or general guidance.

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